[The] radio industry is hurting the major labels MUCH more than P2P piracy.
Hate to tell you this, but the CD is a DEAD FORMAT! The only people who don't know this are the old line fat cat boomers running the record companies. To copy protect CDs is akin to switching everybody to shorter, more expensive typewriter ribbons.Sell CDs as long as you can. But why piss people off with copy protection? When the format's lifespan is so limited.
P2PAll the lawsuits have done is to scare away the CASUAL music fan. In order for online music to be profitable, EVERYBODY has to partake. The whole COUNTRY must be music crazy. Suing people for file-trading is akin to tobacco companies including a nicotine patch with every pack of cigarettes. The key is to HOOK people, not to WEAN them!!! The higher the price for tracks at online shops, the fewer people who partake. This is the OPPOSITE of coherent business philosophy.
The major labels have succeeded in STIFLING this format, while investing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars in indie promotion to get their wares on terrestrial radio stations. That's MESSED UP! Go where the LISTENERS ARE! On the Net! Nurture this industry, so some powerhouse stations emerge, and niche stations can SURVIVE! It's all about turning MORE people on to MORE stuff.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Bob Lefsetz Manifesto
Where's the development with U2?
U2's got it all wrong. They're not artists anymore and they don't care about their fans. Fearful of having their album leaked to P2P services... What's the problem here? That people love you SO much that they'll go through hoops to get your product in advance??? It's going to screw up the fourth quarter sales strategy?
When it comes to music Microsoft is like Sony. A has-been
So, despite the Microsoft hype, despite the bluster, despite the past, when it comes to music, Microsoft is like Sony. Get your flat panel from Samsung, not Sony. Buy your hand-held music player from Apple, not Sony. Get your MUSIC in an APPLE-owned/controlled/approved format, not a Microsoft one. ... And its hardware partners can't seem to come up with a hand-held player that works as well and looks as cool as the iPod. For EONS Microsoft has produced lame products and ended up with a monopoly because of pure market share. But those days are done. Apple made a device that is seeming perfection, more than the consumer could CONCEIVE OF, a product from the future, here today, and made it PC-COMPATIBLE!
Apple Rumors
- Tablet iBook
- Flash-based iPod
- 500$ Mac
- Mobile Phone
- Audio I/O Interface
Let's see what happens. I would like to see an Apple audio receiver. Something that is a mix between the Roku Soundbridge and an conventional AV receiver. Maybe with a harddisk for audio storage. But I don't know if they are even thinking about such a thing in Cupertino. They might, they are moving in this direction with the AirTunes. But I don't know if they see their strengh in that market/product space. If I could name one thing, Apple stands for, than it is focus. Focus on essential features, focus on good UI, focus on a improved user experience.
So why should they make a Audio I/O? They will make something, if they can do it better than anybody else. There are good and cheap I/O interfaces available. There are good and expensive ones available. What can Apple bring to the market, that isn't available? No, I don't really see an Apple I/O. But I could be wrong. Maybe there is something that Apple can improve with I/O.
Mobile Phone? Hell yes, that is something where Apple can improve. But only if the first iPhone isn't as big as brick and as heavy as a quarterpounder with chease. They could do a mobile phone with Motorola. Motorola has the hardware, Apple will make the software. This could work. Let's see.
500$ Mac. Hell Yes! Give it an optional 250 $ screen. Anybody that wants a hassle free solution will go for a iMac (or an iBook!). Anybody wanting to save money might go for the iCheap. Apple could increase its reach while it cuts cost by not supplying a monitor. Why not?
Flash? The only reason for flash for Apple would be to make a smaller iPod. Smaller than the iPod mini. They might do it. Look at the mobile phones. They got smaller all the time. There is still room for improvement. A small 2 GB iPod
Tablet iBook? iNewton? Now we are political. I would like to work with a tablet notebook for some time. See how it is to write and read blogs. Surf the net. Do stuff. Apple has tested tablet PCs, that is for sure. If they are an improvement, Apple will do it. Even if Steve Jobs is allergic to the Newton.
Let's see.
It is a Great Big Hassle!
Then, came the advent of videotape.
Once again, the film companies went BALLISTIC!! The SAME man professing doom as a result of the online world said that VCRs were going to be the end of the business.
Yes, Jack Valenti said:
"the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone."
He asked for a modest royalty of $25 to $50 a blank tape!!
My Audio Manifest
I have several places, where I want to listen to music (that includes albums FM and internet radio):
- In my living room
- In my bedroom
- In my kitchen
- In my bathroom
- In my car
- On my bike
- At work
I think the following four componets could bring me closer to audio nirvana:
- An audio hub. This could be a computer running a rendezvous server like iTunes, but it could be something like my Pioneer receiver. It would could contain a harddisk to store the music library and a WLAN interface to stream music to other parts of the flat. It might or might not have a UI of its own. An important fact is, that I want to be able to control this from other parts of the flat, as if I was sitting directly before it (making playlists, browsing the library, making ratings, etc.)
- WLAN audio satellites in every room. These can be a "WLAN to Chinch" bridges like AirTunes or a active speaker with a WLAN receiver build in or a classical AV receiver with WLAN. They can have a UI (display and buttons), but don't need one necesarrily because of:
- WLAN remote. This could look something like a Philips SBC RU 865 or a Philps Pronto.
- Mobile audio player. Now this could be a iPod. But don't know how well it would do in my car.
- Easy sync. If I rate a song with five stars at work, I want that rating everywhere. If I import a song at home, I want that song at work as easy as possible.
- Easy UI. If I listen to music from my bathtub, I don't want to go to the computer to change the song. I might not want to create playlists from the bathtub but it would be nice to rate a song from the bathtub :-)
- Plug and play. It must be easy to set up a secure WLAN network with all these compontents.
- MP3 and AAC for audio compression
- WLAN for networking
- Shoutcast for push and Rendozvous for pull
- http for anything that cannot be covered by the above
Why iTunes is five stars and WMP is not
It really annoys me that after a song has been played through completely once in WMP10 that it automatically bumps the song from a 3 star rated song to a 4 star song. I think if it's played enough it automatically bumps it to a 5 star song. I hate this and wish there were an option to disable it. Frequently I'll get sidetracked, leave the house, etc. with my player still running and a bunch of songs that I end up not liking end up in the automatic 4 and 5 star playlist and it's a pain to try to manage this. Give the user an option to turn off this annoying feature.
That is REALLY ANNOYING. This one single point would stop me from using WMP. I don't care what other cool features it has. This make the rating unusable. A nice idea, that goes amok on my music library. IT IS REALLY MUCH WORK TO RATE YOUR MUSIC and I don't want anybody changing the rating I give a song without my consent. Make a automatic list title "underrated" and give the user to opportunity to change the rating by himself. Heck, in iTunes I can created these lists by myself.
Hi Robert Scoble: Why is the iPod cool?
PCWorld: Risk Your PC's Health for a Song?
Ads and adware have a new way to get on your computer--through files that appear to be music and video.,aid,119016,00.asp
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Sometimes you just should press buttons...
I can now do this.The button seemed, like, gray, so I didn't try to press it yet...
Fucking cool.
ps.: could you change the color of this button. Make it like NOT gray?
Somebody hits the nail on the head.
Suburban users cannot effectively listen to their music in a simple and seamless manner as they move throughout their day. This class of customers prefers the simplicity of FM radio, but yearns for the depth and personal involvement that comes from listening to their own music. A device that;
1) Makes it easy to listen to an entire CD collection at home, in the car and at the office;
2) untethers people from specific listening devices;
3) has great battery life (10+ hours);
4) has tons of storage (40+gb);
5) is small enough to fit into a purse, glove compartment, briefcase or suitjacket pocket.
...would make it much easier for suburban dwellers to listen to the music they enjoy throughout their entire day.
It basicly comes down to: "Find something that sucks, and make it better." And there is enough potential for this. Maybe not if you try to make a rip-off iPod product. But take a look where and how poeple want to listen to their music and what is currently available. You will find there is room for improvment and that the iPod is NOT the solution to everybodys music listening demands.
MPAAs Arms Race
(Via Silent Penguin)
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Yamaha buys Steinberg
Monday, December 20, 2004
I think Robert Scoble has this one wrong
But Microsoft will need a lot more than good marketing to pull of a stunt like finishing in front of the iPod.
Here is what I think the problems are (it comes basically down to "Make a better product"):
- Windows Media is evil. It is from Microsoft and it has DRM. It might have a better sound quality than MP3. But someday, somebody can take away my music. While this may or may not be true, people still think this. You will need to convince people, that they can hear the music they bought until the earth crumbles. In this area, a blog might help. Letting people know, what really is inside WMA, might help. But it will not help you to win this. You will still come in second. You will need to make the message, that there is no way, that they ever loose their music. Make them a promise, that they can download their music again, if they loose their computer. Make it as easy as possible. Just enter your account, and you re-download your music library. No need for you to keep a backup. We can do this all for you. No problem, no extra charge. People will understand that.
- Windows Media is insecure. How many exploits are there with WMV? You fix them, right, but people remember not to click on anything ending in .wmv, right?
- You don't have a one stop solution. I love iTunes. I will buy a an iPod. I love the iPod. I will buy music in the iTMS. I love the iTMS, I will buy an iPod. Simple. I think you don't need to write this down. You already know this.
- But with Windows Media, I have TOO MUCH CHOICE. Yes, by giving the people to many choices, from junk to high-end, you confuse the people. Just give them one player: The only one you need. The one that does everything you need. Not more, not less.
- No other player is as cool as the iPod. Sorry. No other music software is as much fun to use as iTunes. Sorry. And iTMS is the best store. Sorry. If you want to beat the iPod, be better. Be better in each point. Thats what Apple did. What they made, was better than what was available. You can do the same. It has only become harder, to be better. But there is still margin to be better.
- Make a audio only software. Seriously. You make fun of Steve Jobs kids not wanting to watch movies in the car, BUT FOCUS! Make ONE solution for music and ANOTHER for video. Even if it is the same Windows player underneath. But make one software ONLY FOR AUDIO. With the easiest UI for audio. And no gimmick features. Maybe this software is similar to your video software, but still it has only audio features. And get these features right.
- By trying to please everybody, Microsoft pleases nobody. The DRM scares away customers, yet doesn't satisfy the major labels. DRM will never satisfy them, because it doesn't work. It's a placebo. By trying to get many player manufacturers on board, you dilute the message. "What can I do with this? Oh, everything. Sorry, I only need a iPod." FOCUS. Music on my computer. Music on the go. My music. No gimmicks, just music.
- Good software player
- Good hardware player
- Good music store
A blog might change which player Robert Scoble wants. It might change which player most Microsoft employees want. It might change which player some other people want. But it will be impossible to change what most people want, only with a blog and a worse product.
Make good products and the customers will come.
God and his brother now have a blog
But that is not what I wanted to tell you.
Peter Jackson has "Production Diary" for King Kong, but it f**king looks like a blog to me. Well, Peter uses Video (well, its his medium of choice, and he is good with it), but it is still a blog to me. Does he offer a podcast? Don't know.
But it's a f**king live "making of". I love the internet and what it makes possible. And I like people who now how to use it.
Rock on, Peter!
And Kay, on Day 62 there is a feature with some ARRIs in it.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
I hearby surrender my soul
Please sign below..............................................
Organizing my blogs ...
My blogs serve a lot of functions:
- I post links, thus the blogs I have serve as a sort of bookmark collection.
- I want to practice English in this blog.
- I want to see what I can do with the technology, that is available, like blogs and feeds.
- I don't know, if I want to attract readers, but I wouldn't mind. I do this mainly for me. I don't even know any statistics from this blog. I got three comments from people not known to me personally, so some people stopped by. But I don't know if there are any regulars already :-)
- You shouldn't mix languages in a blog. If you post once every while in the wrong language, its okay. But choose a language and stick with it. It might be no problem for you, but you will fail to attract any readers, if you mix languages constantly in one blog. The blog will become unreadable, even if you speak all the languages.
- I think you should have one blog with content, and one blog with links, if you post a lot of links.
I have one blog, which is quite clearly cut: The topic is cars and the language is German. The intended reader is only myself and maybe one or two friends. If it is any useful to anybody else, I would be glad. But I'm not counting on it. But still I hope, that anybody searching for a self-service car repair shops in Hamburg might be helped by me (As google is very thin on this topic). But google knows nothing about that blog and I don't have time to change this. If it should be indexed by google by accident, I would be glad, but I am not holding my breath. (I managed to get partially into google with this blog, but it wasn't a coordinated effort)
I am currently trying to find out, if I can use a blog to communicate with a friend in Brazil. Lets see how well this goes. It will be something that MSN Spaces is intended for. But I don't want to manage more accounts. I could go .NET passport and get everything from MSN, but I don't want a MSN Mail account. It would be nice to have something like .NET passport from google (wink, wink!) to manage blogger and GMail.
And than I have one private blog, which I haven't used lately, which is more like a scratch book.
So, you don't need to be Robert Scoble, to have several blogs.
p.s.: I even have some feeds from none blog sources. From flickr com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=95589137@N00&format=atom_03 and I could give you a feed from my newsgator account...
Hack a Bike (English Version)
(German Version)
I especially like the "To ensure that nobody could discover our tampering by reading out the firmware again, we set the lockbit" part. :-)
RSS feed offenders - Part Two
I hate RSS feeds with partial or no text
I hate it that has only a partial feed.
I hate it that has only a partial feed.
I hate it that has a link only feed.
I hate it that is unreadable as a feed.
They are simply unuseful when I try to read them in
And by the way: WASHPOST, YOUR ONLINE SERVICE SUCKS BIG TIME. LOSERS! If you don't understand the internet, go hire a 17 year old or stay on paper.
I will stop reading those bullshit RSS feeds (except for one). Sorry. And don't come back. I hate you.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
I like this guy already :-)
Look, to whoever's magical spam-bot is posting comments on every thread saying "Great Thread!!! Now come to my web site where hot midgets are personally anxious to make your naked acquaintance!!!" - This forum is M-O-D-E-R-A-T-E-D. I mean seriously, all I do is delete them but it takes me about 14 precious seconds of my life every day that I'm never going to get back. I mean, I was going to add Mac products and a free lifetime Xbox live membership for all MSDN Subscribers, but noooooooo, now I don't have time because I'm deleting your posts. So too bad, you just ruined it for everyone.
Go there, download his songs, and buy his stuff - THE POWER OF MICROSOFT COMPELS YOU!!! THE POWER OF MICROSOFT COMPELS YOU!!! - errr, sorry - I forgot for a moment that I'm only allowed to use my Microsoft powers for good.
And oh yeah, if I ever catch the guy who is spamming my feedback, I am going to kill you. Seriously, my laptop is heavy and I know how to use it. Loser.
These are nice as well:
Driving down Memory Lane - Sunrise over Gare de l'Est Sunrise over Gare de l'Est
Originally uploaded by t-mix.
This was a vacation I surely won't forget. I have prepared by buying proper boots a few month before the trip. To make sure the boots won't cause me blisters on the feets, I wore them every day before the trip. The result was, that the boots fell apart the day before the trip... I tried to glue them together and took them with me, but the glue I had was not good enough for boots. So after taking the night train from Munich to Paris, I arrived in Paris Gare de l'Est with boots that where falling apart. Thank god the weather was nice and Vera could lend me her sandals.
We walked all the way from the Gare de l'Est to the Seine. Rue Saint-Martin was very interesting. You could see how every quater in Paris had its "own function". In the Rue Saint-Martin you could find one cloth shop beside the other. Some children cloth shops, but none of the big chains like C&A :-).
Vera has read the "Le pendule de Foucault" by Umberto Eco and wanted to go to the Musee National des Techniques. I wanted to see it too, but more because I am a geek. As we passed near the Musee anyway, we went to visit it. No luck, the Musee was closed...
We got a hotel room in the Rue de Charonne in probably the cheapest hotel in Paris. It was a bit filthy and the bed was awful. But the 11th arrondissement in Paris west of the Bastile was nice. Again this quarter had its "own function". Here we found a lot little wood shops selling hand made furniture. But most of these little shops were closing and made way for little bars.
We toured Paris in the following days. Eiffel tower, Centre Pompidou, St-Michel-Notre-Dame, Parc Montsouris, Les Halles, Montmartre, Catacombes, the Tower of Montparnasse, Institut Du Monde Arabe, Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise with the grave of Jim Morrison.
What I found really cool, was that we went to lunch to Paris universities. We had cards from the German-French student services which allowed us to use the universities canteens.
After a week of Paris, we went to Holland. We stayed in Amsterdam for one day. One day in a hotel in Amsterdam costed about as much as a week in Paris. After Amsterdam, we went to Nijmengen. Vera wanted to go to Nijmegen University for a semester and she wanted to check out the city and the university. In the city of Nijmegen, I finally bought new shoes. It was a pair of Nijmegen shoes from Reebok :-) So we walked through Nijmegen, when my feet started to swell. I finally had proper shoes and my feet started to grow to big for the shoes! We didn't know if the shoes were causing the problems, so I put the sandales from Vera back on. In the evening we took the train back to Amsterdam to catch the night train to Paris and then go to Bordeaux. Unfortunately we had left our backpacks in Amsterdam Central Station in a locker, otherwise we might have stayed for the night in Nijmegen.
But the train to Amsterdam stopped in the next city and we somehow figured out that we had to take the bus to get to the next city. Someone told us, that two people comitted suicide and that the train way was closed. So we managed to catch the bus and we were on our way again. After getting onboard a train again and changing trains in Utrecht, we managed to get Amsterdam somehow. But the night train to Paris was already gone... We didn't want to take another expensive hotel in Amsterdam, we were totally tiered and we didn't want to go to some pub. So we decided to sleep a bit in the locker area and take the first train to Paris :-) The police threw us out, in the middle of the night, but we went back and could stay there until the first train went to Paris.
In the morning, we boarded the first train and we were on our way again. A couple of hours later, we arrived in Brussels. There we wanted to take the next train to Paris. But only TGVs seem to go from Brussels to Paris. We needed a expensive reservation for the TGV and the first reservation we could get, would have been for a train in the afternoon. We were considering taking the TGV to London, but I was a bit of a tightwad, we had Interail tickets for France and I wanted to see France. I persuaded Vera to go to France again. So I went to the information and asked if there was any non-TGV train going to Paris. The answer: "No." So I went to study the timetable. Indeed, only TGVs go to Paris. But wait, I found "normal" trains going to Luxenbourg. So I went back to the information and asked I they could print out a connection to Paris over Luxenbourg. And, behold, I had a connection to Paris! I went back to Vera, told her the good news. I looked at the paper: The train would leave at 10:42. I looked at the clock: 10:42. We started to run. I still had swollen feet and it was horrible. We finally got to the stairs to the plattform. We hurried up the escalator until our way was blocked by a guy. We finally reached the plattform. The train was still here. We tried to open the doors: No luck. The guy who blocked us, tried the same. He went to the train operator and managed to get the doors open. As it turns out, he was the conductor. So finally we are off to Paris via Luxenbourg and Metz. Hurray! The train from Brussels to Luxenbourg is one of the most beautiful I had taken. Really nice landscape.
Several hours later, we arrive in Paris. Getting across the city to get to Gare d'Austerlitz. Finally on board the night train to Bordeaux. We find an empty compartment. But not entirly empty. In the luggage rack is very big gym back. We get afraid. It was 1999, 2 1/2 years before 9/11. But still back then there were terror attacks. We left the train again, went to the first uniformed persons we could find. I think they were actually police officers. We told them about the gym back. No reaction whatsoever. I think today, they would have evacuated the whole trainstation. But back then: nothing. No way, I didn't want to get on this train. Fortunatly there was a train two hours later. So at around 10 o'clock in the evening we are on board a train again and arrive in Bordeaux in the next morning. And thank god, the gym back on the other train didn't seem to have exploded.
Two days in Bordeaux, but I regred not seeing the Atlantic. So close. Anyway, we have spend enough money and we just wanted to get back to our home. We took the TGV from Bordeaux to Paris (which was a lot cheaper than the TGV from Brussels to Paris). The TGV is about five times faster than the night train. But in both you see nothing of the landscape... Then from Paris to Munich the night train again. Another train ride, and we are back at home again.
Here are some pictures:
In 2000, I made the second (and last) Interail trip, and I took no TGVs and no night trains, but that is a different story :-)
Christmas Present for my Mother
- I live seven hours away from my mother, so I can only give limited support.
- She doesn't have broadband and keeping a Windows PC up to date is not a option with 56k.
- I don't have time&knowledge to set up a simple Linux system for her.
- I don't have the money to buy her a used Macintosh.
I addition, I gave my mother two nice presents last year. I gave her a mobile phone and a self made calender with 12 of the best pictures I made in the last 10 years. So I set the bar pretty high.
Creepy iTunes Bug
It does not happen everytime I start iTunes. I guess it only happens the first time after I startup the computer.
Let see when Apple will fix it.
By the way: I love iTunes, it is really cool.
Kommandobrücke Kommandobrücke
Originally uploaded by Tony CRC7.
But I have a problem: 2000 analog slides. I want to make them digital, but I don't have the 800 Euro for an automatic slide scanner.
Wait, I have some digital photos. They have been taken 1999 with a digital camera. I think we (Vera and I) had a Panasonic DCF-2 camera,
If I wouldn't boycott the major labels...
Friday, December 17, 2004
Just corrected the timezone for this blog...
Its nice to find out about the dynamics of this medium. It seems like I learn a thing everyday.
I'm not sure if I should blog with my full name. I made a conscious decision not to blog with my full name, for several reasons:
- If I am pissed off, I want to say that I am pissed off, even if it involves brand names.
- I live in Germany, where it is easy for a company to send you a "Abmahnung". This is a piece of paper which states: "You did something wrong, you will sign here that you will never do it again, and if you don't sign it, we will sue you big time. By the way: You owe our lawyer the expenses for this document." So its easy for me to get into trouble if I say something bad.
- Our company has no blogging policy, but even the mail-list policy is quite strict. I try not to blog about my current employer or the products we make, but sometimes I can't help to complain. I don't want to get into trouble for this... (Interestingly, I don't have a problem with staying quiet when I have something nice to say)
- Quite frankly, I like it that google finds very little about me :-)
Have to think more about this.
A funny thing, as a side note: It seems easier to communicate with people in Redmond, than with the heads of R&D at our company.
Why does my iTunes move up everytime I start it
[Update] Just tried to reproduce this with iTunes, and I couldn't. I'm a bit puzzled. I thought this would happen everytime with iTunes...
David Wheeler died
He's gone sub without return.
Or as I would put it: Answers nobody wants to hear to questions nobody asked.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
This is not right
Need to get outside, get some fresh air and wait until my endorphin is droping to a healthy
level again.
Newsgator - I'm pleased but not excited
But there are some things I don't like that much.
- Adding a feed could be a lot easier. I have to click 'Add feeds', then 'Add a feed', type the URL and then 'Quick Add' (har har). It could be worse, but it could be better. Why isn't the 'Quick Add' button and box always available, when I read my feeds?
- While I'm adding my feeds, I see three different tabs on my screen. 1st Level (Home, etc.), 2nd Level (My Feeds, etc.) and third level ('Browse feeds' etc.) which look completely different and the 3rd level feels like it is somewhere else on my screen.
- Ok, I subscribed to Raymond Chen's Weblog, which is called "The Old New Thing", but I would like to rename it to "Raymond Chen's Weblog". Doesn't seem to be possible.
- I've been idle over lunch time and I have been logged out. Why?
- If I find a nice post on someone's blog and want to post something about this on my blog, can I do this directly from newsgator?
[Update] Corrected the awful spelling error in the title (and several others in the text). I should not post while under the influence of alcohol... :-) I apologize to
Joel on setting a price for your product
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Safe Personal Computing
Start Rewarding Failure
Damn it, google knows better than I what I write about
Guy Kawasaki On Apple
What are Blogs?
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
I remember when email came along and all my friends said "so?"
I don't understand technorati...
I understand blogs. I understand RSS. I partially understand feedster and pubsub. But technorati? Is it google for blogs? Have to check back in a month.
Robert Scoble is gaining on Steve Ballmer
- Bill Gates: 4.460.000
- Don Box: 410.000 (Added)
- Steve Ballmer: 304.000
- Robert Scoble: 172.000
- Raymond Chen: 64.000
- Larry Osterman: 27.300
If anybody knows a Microsoft employee with more results from google than Robert Scoble, please let me know.
[Update] Mea Culpa, I forgot Don Box (Godfather of COM, isn't he?). And as someone points out, I could include Chris Anderson and Chris Sells. Asking google about Don, Chris and Chris. Then I take a look who wrote the comment. Chris Sells. Google tells me that Chris is the "Content Strategist for the Longhorn Developer Center web site on MSDN". Good god. The third comment on my blog. And he gets 221.000 results from google.
Ok, here is the updated list:
- Bill Gates: 4.460.000
- Don Box: 410.000 (Added)
- Steve Ballmer: 304.000
- Chris Anderson: 289.000
- Chris Sells: 221.000
- Robert Scoble: 172.000
- Raymond Chen: 64.000
- Larry Osterman: 27.300
Got to check what Chris Anderson and Chris Sells do. They haven't been on my radar until today...
The Rebel Sell
If we all hate consumerism, how come we can’t stop shopping?
Besonic is down
And google ads has four links to data salvage companies...
Sunday, December 12, 2004
The Problems Wikis have with Search Engines...
Apparently random rollbacks have been occurring for some time now, but with the IP logging in place, it was easy to assign the blame. Search engines have traversed the site and have been “clicking” all the rollback links. So now the rollback link is done in javascript to keep those pesky engines at bay. This fix will be part of 0.9.2 and is already in effect on instiki dot org.
MSN Spaces reacts
Saturday, December 11, 2004
A question to I always want spellcheck before posting
Ok, just a little wish.
One thing I don't understand about HTML lists
- First
- Second
- Third
This isn't right, right?
Joel on Google Suggest
Google Suggest
Friday, December 10, 2004
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Stop the Content Mafia
- They are seriously screwing with the legal system. They let their lawyers fuck you over and YOU pay for it. They take away the freedom of speech and say its good for everybody. They take away creative expresion from artists and say they are protecting them. They hinder the access for universities to information.
- The quality of their product gets worse and the prices go up. They fuck the customers over with DRM. And at the same time, the artist gets less and less.
- The say they protect "IP" but they have build their empires on IP theft themselves. Disney is a good example. Take a disney film and try to make a parody on it like Steamboat Willie. Go ahead and hear the mighty lion roar. Or find out how US publishing stole books.
- They whine how bad P2P is for them (while their revenues go up!) instead of going to where the customers are.
I bought my first CD in 1991 and my first DVD in 1998. I currently own over 100 DVDs and over 200 CDs. I go to the cinema about once a month. So I spend 400 Euro a year to be fucked over by the content mafia and help them fuck other people over.
But I will stop doing that. I will no longer buy anything from a major label. I will (try) not (to) watch movies in cinemas. I will stop buying DVDs. Until one of the following happens:
- The kneel over and hear the sound of inevitability.
- They realize that treating artists and customers like shit is not a good buisiness model.
Don't buy at BMG, Edel, EMI, Sony, Universal or Warner
Just like that.
Information in German language:,1
RSS has hit the Mainstream
One thing that many people agree on is that government bureaucracies are usually very slow to adopt new innovations.
So when the little-known National Agricultural Statistics Service last week began offering RSS feeds of some of its news, it was the latest sign that the technology, which allows anyone to subscribe and automatically receive dynamic content on their computers, has hit the mainstream.,1282,65702,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_8
Why Apple should not will not make an cheap iPod Flash
Demand for lower-cost iPods exists. But, duh, demand for lower-cost everything exists. Perhaps you’d like to see a $15,000 BMW 3-series model, but you’re not going to get one.
[UPDATE] I insterted cheap in the title. I think this matches it closer.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Of "rosh katan" and "rosh gadol"
Once it’s out of the box
Once it’s out of the box you can’t put it back in the box, and that’s
the end of that.”
Monday, December 06, 2004
15 Megs of Fame
From the Floor
What a crappy present
Find the biggest pack of CD-Rs you can get for the price of the CD (usually 25 or 50). Now you're back in charge of your music. Rock on!
Sunday, December 05, 2004
BoingBoing about MSN Spaces
Celebrities without Makeup
This must be a fake.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Find your Spot
So, here is my personal list, as recommended by Find Your Spot:
- Norfolk, Virgina
- Providence, Rhode Island
- Richmond, Virginia
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Carlisle, Pennsylvania
- Charlotte, North Carolina
- New Haven, Connecticut
- Hartford, Connecticut
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Worcester, Massachusetts
- Chesapeake-Virginia Beach, Virginia
- Long Island, New York
- Louisville, Kentucky
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Bergen-Passaic, New Jersey
- Manhattan, New York
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- New York City, New York
- Little Rock, Arkansas
- Hampton, Virginia
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Lynchburg, Virginia
- Knoxville, Tennessee
Why is the iPod so successful?
- Beautiful simplistic design
- Kick-ass simple and good user interface
- Appeals to men and women (Not a boys gadget, not a girls accessory)
- Integrates with iTunes and the iTunes Music Store (which are kick-ass simple and good on their own)
- Not feature bloated, only the features that people need, and the included features are kick-ass good (Want a FM tuner? Go buy one on the iPod after-market)
- Battery life could be better (its enough to hear music a whole day through)
- No replaceable battery (which only would make sense, if you had a standard battery; Besides, a replaceable battery would make the iPod only heavier and bigger, if it should offer the same battery life)
- No standard replaceable battery (but AA batteries wouldn't give the battery life you want on such a device and there is no standard LiIon battery)
- Its hard to get the music-files back from your iPod, but I guess that is not Apples fault, but the fault of the music industry (there are ways around this)
- iPods Fairplay doesn't play well with others (WMA and the like, but who needs them anyway)
- Some iPods had some problems with the headphone jack and noise being audible (but you should be able to get the iPod replaces by Apple; Nevertheless, Apple should get their shit together)
What's with Slashdot?
Well, for several months, my firewall's been getting strange probes from Slashdot itself:
Who is OSTG?
About OSTG
OSTG (Open Source Technology Group), formerly known as OSDN, is the cornerstone of the Open Source movement and the leading online network for IT managers and development professionals. OSTG's technology-focused sites include,,,, and OSTG also owns, the leading retailer for innovative technology products, and the MediaBuilder network, featuring, a leading online- image content provider. The network serves more than 238 million page views and 16 million unique visitors a month. OSTG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of VA Software Corp. Find out more about OSTG at
About VA Software Corp.
VA Software Corporation (Nasdaq: LNUX), OSTG's parent company, is at the center of today's technology revolution, inciting innovation by empowering the IT and development communities with information, community support and software. VA Software is the creator of SourceForge. is the global nexus for the Open Source community with over 88,000 Open Source projects and more than 921,000 registered users. SourceForge Enterprise Edition is used to manage and optimize distributed development across the enterprise. For company information, visit
Flashblock for Mozilla and Firefox
And if it is still blinking everywhere, type about:config in the address bar, go to image.animation_mode and change it once or to none.
BTW: If you still don't use Firefox, get it today.
No Microsoft for Tony
But I no longer think, that is what I want to do. First of all I have been considering the economic situation and I think it is going downstream for the US. It is not all Sunshine and Roses in the Rest of the world, but I think I will be better of in a different country.
But second of all, MS is only hiring people from abroad, who can apply for the TN Visa (I think that is people from Canada, Mexico) or the H1B Visa (Typically, this means that you have a 4 year degree in computer science or equivalent for the technical positions MS offers). Neither one can be applied for me...
In related news:
I was trying to get a job within the group I currently work in a company in Scotland, but that doesn't seem to be a possibility. But I have been told, that I could apply for work at a group company in Canada, I think I will try that.
If this company in Canada doesn't want me, then I'm back to square one. I don't know what I want to do. I might want to start a company, I might want to work for Microsoft or Harman, I might want to move New Zealand.
But I don't know.
Titanic VR
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Bill Gates doesn't know who made 'Finding Nemo'?
A:Yes. Ask kids in the back of a car on a two-hour trip, "Hey, would you like to have your videos there?" My kids would. I guess Steve's kids just listen to Bach and Mozart. But mine, they want to watch Finding Nemo. I don't know who made that, but it's really a neat movie."
Ok, 'Finding Nemo' has been made by Pixar, and I think the CEO is a guy called Steve Jobs...
The Core Essence of Information
Now here I find the this (in many points) very stupid policy on blogs by a unnamed newspaper. What really trips me of is the "Such publication of personal opinion casts doubt on their impartiality, ultimately calling into question the newspaper's commitment to fairness." part. If I know, where the staff at the newspaper stands, I know if it's really impartial what they write.
[Update] I would like to point out, that I don't agree with most of the views expressed in Doug Harpers blog other postings. But hey, now I now where he stands.
Why Do I Blog
[...] I blogged because doing cc: world was cooler and more leveraged than doing cc: (some finite group of people). it's still like that. I literally see blogging as emailing to everybody.
Why Do We Blog
Before I was a blogger, I was a zinester. I started Entropy Gradient Reversals while I was working for IBM because their stupid fucking PR fascists wouldn't let me write. I thought they were way too clueless to discover my zine on the net -- it was, after all, the IBM Internet Division -- but I was wrong about that. Fortunately, I resigned for different reasons (recurring homicidal fantasies) 30 seconds before their lawyers were about to come down on my ass. I'll skip the part where the security dogs sniffed out my office for C4. Good thing all that was before 9/11, or I'd be writing this from a federal pen.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Best practices for programming in C
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Scobleize your life
Robert Scoble answers.
Desktop Google Finds Holes
Monday, November 29, 2004
An Elvis man, you like your women dangerous and your steaks bloody.
I'm Vince:
"Tell 'im to shut up, he's gettin on my nerves" An Elvis man, you like your women dangerous and your steaks bloody. You often get wrapped up in landscapes and fail to realize the danger you put yourself into. Don't get cocky, and don't get caught. It might be good to lay off the drugs every once in a while. Just a suggestion. Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz. |
Thursday, November 25, 2004
To Do List
Top priority:
- Find a new job
This has an enormous tail of things I must do: write my resume, make nice pictures of me, find a company were I want to work, write something about "how valuable I would be to them", then maybe move to a different city/country/continent.
Hight priority:
- Write email more offen to Elizabeth
- Clean up my flat
- Put winter tyres on my car
Mid priority:
- Start one of my projects which might lead to my own company
- File my tax papers
- Find friends I can spend time with
- Find a girlfriend (Feels like its allmost impossible at the moment)
- Go swimming on a regular basis
- At least once try my luck in a rallye (enourmos tail factor)
Other things:
- Install Halion
- Make music
- Try out Tracktion
- Find a better RSS Reader
- Find some motivation
Top Coder
I stumbled across this site, where you can test your coding skills (Not that I have any at the moment, as I am stuck doing some installer scripts...)
I REALLY have to try it out.
Ohhhh Soooo Slooooow
Slow as melting beef jerkey.
Workspace pool of broth.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Current Lyrics - The Gunners Dream
Enough to eat
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what’s more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door.
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don’t blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no-one kills the children anymore.
And no one kills the children anymore.
Pink Floyd - The Gunners Dream
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
AMI BIOS or NOT? - is that an American Megatrends BIOS you spy?
Monday, November 22, 2004
The DropMyRights Application
True words of the week
From the IGDA newsletter.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
You silly monkey
Friday, November 19, 2004
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Willie Garson
On TV he appeared in (to name the ones I know):
- Monk
- Stargate
- Spin City
- Sex and the City
- NYPD Blue
- X-Files
- Boy Meets Girl
- Nash Bridges
- Early Edition
- Just Shoot Me!
- Friends
- Star Trek: Voyager
- Ally McBeal
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Melrose Place
- The Practice
- Mad About You
- L. A. Law
- Quantum Leap
- Twin Peaks
- Booker
- Mr. Belvedere
- Cheers
- Peter Gunn
His movie apearances includes:
- Being John Malkovich
- There's Something About Mary
- Mars Attacks
- Kingpin
- The Rock
- Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
- Groundhog Day
- Ruby (as Lee Harvey Oswald)
- Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
And death shall have no dominion
When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone they shall have stars at elbow and foot.
Though they go mad they shall be sane.
Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again.
Though lovers be lost love shall not.
And death shall have no dominion.
sed - The command from hell
I hate it already...
In Soviet Russia
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Gratis PHP Webspace bei Tripod / Lycos
Shoot yourself in the foot with Unix
foot.c foot.h foot.o toe.c toe.o
% rm * .o
rm: .o: No such file or directory
% ls
Only a person who risks is free.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd Is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying. To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is To risk
The person who risks nothing dies nothing, Has nothing and is nothing.
They say they avoid suffering and sorrow, But they cannot learn, Feel,
change, grow, love, feel.
Chained by their attitudes, they are slaves.
They have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
Audion R.I.P.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Mac OS X Hacking Tools
Current lyrics: The Thrill Is Gone
The thrill is gone away
You know you done me wrong baby
And you'll be sorry someday
Saturday, November 13, 2004
You can no longer ignore RSS
What is RSS?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) provides a convenient way to gather and quickly browse information from a variety of sources, including press releases, product updates, or changes to a web site. Small amounts of content, called "feeds," are automatically sent to an RSS reader. Feeds are generally a headline, summary, or preview of the complete content. Through the RSS reader, feeds from various sources can be scanned with the ability to access the complete content relating to any interesting feeds. |
![]() |
How do I get an RSS reader? |
In order to access RSS content you must install an RSS reader. There are many different RSS readers available, some available at no cost and some available for a small fee. |
The Rules and Practices of Extreme Programming
EA Games?
(From German Heise)
Friday, November 12, 2004
Using Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 from the Command Prompt
Thursday, November 11, 2004
This is the end - Nullsoft is no more
(From Kristian Koehntopp)
Video Gemetzel im Kinderzimmer?
> Brandenburgs Innenminister Jörg Schönbohm (CDU) etwa spricht von einem "unhaltbaren Zustand" und sieht "schnellen Handlungsbedarf", der bayerische Innenminister Günther Beckstein (CSU) fordert gar ein Herstellungsverbot.
Wenn man aber folgendes liest, sieht die Sache schon GANZ anders aus:
Rainer Fromm - Frontal21: «"Doom 3" ist eines der brutalsten Computerspiele. Es gibt nur ein Ziel: Töte Deine Gegner! Das Horrorspiel ist nicht indiziert und gilt als nicht jugendgefährdend, und das mit staatlichem Stempel.» Ein Blick in das Register der USK zeigt: Doom 3 wurde mit „keine Jugendfreigabe“ eingestuft. Nach geltendem deutschem Recht ist der Verkauf eines solchen Titels an unter-18-jährige strafbar.
Was MICH in diesem Zusammenhang entsetzt, wie LAUSIG manche Journalisten recherchieren und wie manche Politiker AUTOMATISCH entsetzt sind. Und ich zahle dafuer GEZ und Steuern.
Frontal21: «Der bayerische Innenminister Günther Beckstein sagt dazu: "Wir brauchen Herstellungsverbote. Denn die Technik hat sich so entwickelt, dass der einzelne Träger dieser Spiele nicht mehr sehr viel kostet, so dass der Preis für Verleihen und Verkaufen nicht mehr sehr unterschiedlich ist. Wenn etwas auf dem Markt ist, dann wird es immer von Jugendlichen erworben und dann auch schwarz kopiert und weiter vertrieben."»
Da hat der Gute doch sicher Recht: Tabakwaren und harte Spirituosen sind ebenso auf dem Markt vertreten – und wir wissen doch: «Wenn etwas auf dem Markt ist, dann wird es immer von Jugendlichen erworben [...]». Ich bin überzeugt, Herr Beckstein wird sich ebenso überzeugt für Herstellungsverbote von deutschem Bier und Spirituosen einsetzen, wie das bei Videospielen der Fall ist – alles zum Wohle des Jugendschutzes – Lang lebe das Oktoberfest mit nem kühlen Maß Cola und Weißwurst!
In diesem Zusammenhang: Ich fordere ein Herstellungs- und Verbreitungs-Verbot fuer Frontal 21 - natuerlich ausschliesslich um die Jugend zu schuetzen.
Gute Nacht
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Does SCO Matter?
I can't see SCO winning its cases. Regardless of that though, SCO has mattered. It will have left us with an enduring legacy: lawyers, rather than developers and entrepreneurs, taking business technology's center stage. It's a legacy I could have done without.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Dart mit Staedtenamen
Hitzacker liegt an der Elbe und war bei der Jahrhundertflut in Funk und Fernsehen vertretten.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
KWS Computer - Quadras
Prices start at 395 Euro (plus tax).
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Computer Refurbished
Then I fitted a CPU which is twice as fast as the old one. The new CPU did get a cooler from Arctic Cooling as well. While doing this, I got rid of the internal ZIP drive I wasn't using anymore.
And to give it a nice finishing touce, I finally moved from Windows 2000 to Windows XP. The CD I bought today even has SP2. How thoughtful. I was only missing one IE update (which was zero kB!) and the virus scanner. I got the free-av scanner, which I'm using for ages now and integrates with XP nicely. I hope now that my computer won't get infected again.
And I moved the refurbished system to my living room. I can keep an eye on the TV or listen to music while doing some computer work. Next I will hook my PC up to my stereo and TV to play some CMR2. Lets see if I can get it to work with XP...
In fact, the new system is quiet enough, that I don't mind it runing in the living-room. You can hear it, when I turn off the music or the TV, but it is quiet enough :-)
I will keep a Windows system, but I want to setup a Linux machine as well. I have gotten two CRTs from a friend for the price of a lunch and I have a older Pentium 2 machine I want to use for Linux. Let's see.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
I am not going to write here about what I am doing currently, as my current employer will get all pissed, if I should dare to write about the stuff we try to sell. So I keep quite about the things that earn my living today (And miss a great opportunity to advertize about them). You can go and buy the stuff I write about, but I won't see a dime from that...
So first thing I will write about: "The PZIZZ"
So, what is the PZIZZ, you may ask? Well, its a so called powernapping device. Its mobile and battery powered. You connect it to a headphone and it plays nice instrumental music specially composed for this thing. And according to an algorithm, certain recorded "phrases" are played along. I don't remember any of them (Hey, I did this over 3 years ago), but it was something like "You feel energized."
I worked at Pontis when we were charged with implementing the PZIZZ around the year 2000. It was basicly a custom made device based on our soon to be released SP600 MP3 player. After our hardware guys trimmed down the hardware, I was charged with almost all technical points for this thing. We got the display these guys wanted and I fitted it together with their backlight to the hardware. The PZIZZ received a better backlight than our SP600... I changed the software to communicate with the display. I improved the MMC card interface. I wrote a new control software and UI. I tested the powersupply. I wrote the battery measurement part, which never worked really good (sorry, I want to blame it on the hardware). I looked into the headphone amp. I choose the audio codec used for the voice files. I changed the UI vs. audio-processing thread handling. I wrote code to adjust the DSP clock to save energy. And all the time, I worked in this combined software/hardware area, I have never worked before or after. I have written software before, and I am writing software today, but all I see from the hardware is what the software does with it...
What was really fun, afterwards, is the fact, that I could do hardware things I have never done before. I was hired as a software engineer, had little to none hardware experience (despite my almost EE degree). I was soldering DSPs in insane packages. I was measuring clocks with nice osziloscopes. I was logging the MMC card interface with logic analyzers. The trust was enourmous. Nobody said: "You can't do that, you're not qualified." It was something that was necessary at that time, because our two hardware guys were heavily involved in rolling out the SP600. I was missing a bit the guidance back then, but in retrospect, I want this climate again: "Just do it. Here are the tools, if you need any datasheets, get them from the manufacturer and by the way, feel free to use the lab downstairs." (To rephrase a line from the Dyson autobiographie)